Tripper Backpack

Pattern Description: Tripper Backpack; diaper backpack by Sallie Tomato

Pattern Sizing: N/A

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes it did.

Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes, there are video instructions as well.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I didn't like that I had to draw out all of the pattern pieces. But once you've done it, you don't have to do it ever again.

Fabric Used: Cotton and denim. The lining is waterproof ripstop.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I added bias binding on the straps.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? This is my second bag.


Drape Dress


Burda 5993