Drape Dress

Pattern Description: The Drape Dress from Simply Sewing Magazine Issue 69. Simply Sewing Magazine is a magazine company based out of the UK.
Pattern Sizing: 8-26. I can't remember what size I cut. I believe a 20. I traced and cut the patterns pieces out years ago but never cut the fabric. Apparently, I didn't write the size I traced on the my pattern pieces and I couldn't find the original pattern. I'm glad the fit worked, but I need to find the original pattern in case I want to make another size later.
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes, I think it did. My dress wasn't as tapered as the pattern photo; however, I liked my version as it was quite comfortable. I may taper future makes.
Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes, fairly easy for an experienced sewer. Some of the pictures were a little difficult to decipher and I think you would need to know basic sewing techniques.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I absolutely LOVE this pattern. I wish I had made it sooner. I feel like it came together pretty quick.
Fabric Used: I'm not sure about the type of fabric I used. I think it was a poly cotton. It only stretched in one direction and it wasn't a whole lot of stretch. I bought this fabric from Hancocks before they closed. This was actually my wearable muslin. Since this was my first time making this pattern, I wanted to make sure it fit and check for any adjustments I might have to make.
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I didn't make any alterations. The dress fit perfectly! However, I did leave out the interfacing in the neck facing pieces simply because this was a wearable muslin and I didn't think the interfacing was necessary. I actually ended up liking it without the interfacing.
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Definitely YES! I want one in every color. This is already a TNT pattern for me. Yes, I recommend it to others. If you don't have Issue 69 of the Simply Sewing Magazine, you can get the pattern from Etsy Drape Dress Pattern
Conclusion: Go make this pattern!


Drape Dress


Breeze Shirt