Baby Shower Gifts/Tripper Backpack

A good friend of mine is having her first baby and I decided to make her a custom diaper bag. I decided to make a backpack style diaper bag, so it would be easier to carry. I made a few other items for her baby shower…keep reading.

Pattern Description: Tripper Diaper Bag/Backpack by Sallie Tomato
Pattern Sizing: N/A
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes
Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes the instructions were very detailed and there was a video.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I really liked this pattern. However, I wasn't too particularly pleased with the fact that you had to measure and cut all the pattern pieces. The dimensions were given for the pieces but the actual pattern pieces were not included in the PDF version of the pattern.
Fabric Used: I used a printed cotton and denim from Hobby Lobby. The lining fabric is waterproof from Joann’s Fabric.
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I quilted the back panel and added bias binding to the straps.
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes. I've already been commissioned to make another one for my mother and my son. I would definitely recommend to others.
Conclusion: This was truly a labor of love.

Other items: I used Sweet Red Poppy baby onesie pattern to make a couple of onesies. The knit fabric is from Hobby Lobby. I used the same print in 2 different colors to make the contrast binding. I made a matching changing pad trimmed with bias binding. I also made a few bandana and regular bibs embroidered with the baby’s name. These were such fun projects to make.


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